Cosmetic Dentistry

First impressions by one person of another are often the most important and can be critical in establishing relationships or in business success.  Research has shown that when we first meet one another, there is a subconscious way that our brains and eyes interact with the other person.  Your eyes scan from their eyes, to their nose and then their mouth.  From there, the scan for most of us opens to the rest of the face and then the person. If you have stained teeth, large chips, or missing front teeth, they will be held in the viewer's memory and used to create that all important first impression.  Large metallic fillings can discolour and stain the surrounding tooth structures. Crooked teeth immediately stand out from the rest.  Missing teeth and poorly designed crowns can create black areas in your mouth and some of the cheaper crowns can lead to ugly black lines around the gum margins. 

Below are the treatments we offer:

1. Tooth Whitening

 You do not have to be unhappy with the colour of your teeth. There is a simple, painless treatment that can give you whiter teeth in less than an hour. Alternatively there is a professional home based system that over ten days will whiten your teeth. Both result in a whiter, more youthful smile, and the confidence that it brings.

We use power white bleaching method that removes stains that have accumulated on your teeth throughout the years and bringing back  the natural whiteness of your teeth in less than an hour.


2. Crowns, Bridges and Veneers

 At Vega Dental Clinic we are able to offer a wide range of solutions to restore badly broken down or heavily filled teeth, replace missing teeth and improve the appearance of teeth.

 We always explain the choices available to you and the benefits of each treatment option. We will guide and help you find the solution that best suits you.


3. Dental Implant- Procedure

Due to high clinical success, implants prove to be the best option to replace lost or missing teeth because they stabilize the bite and prevent future problems with the jaw.  Three separate pieces are involved in the implant procedure: the implant that adheres to the jaw bone, an abutment that is made of either Titanium or Zirconia, and a crown that is either cemented or screwed onto the abutment.


4. Composites, Inlays, Onlays

Composite materials used to fabricate custom-designed tooth-colored crowns, inlays and onlays that not only deliver a conventional low cost restorative option, but provide a natural, white look that easily blends with surrounding teeth.


5. Partial and Complete Dentures

Dentures with partially or completely edentulous (toothless) are alternate choice to permanent treatment options to regain  the ability to bite, chew, and talk naturally. They are attached with either metal or metal free clasps, can be flexible and  are usually less expensive than crowns or implants.